Press and Media for Belinda Chang: Wine, food and lifestyle

With her increasingly full Rolodex, Belinda has created lasting relationships with editors, producers, journalists and lifestyle experts across all platforms to deliver quality coverage of wine and dining trends, the latest recipes, industry knowledge and more. From traditional media to Facebook Live, Instagram and a host of other platforms, Belinda crafts diverse, original content to share with her followers.

For more information about Belinda’s partnerships and services, click here.


Atlantic Magazine
Finding the Hidden Bargains on a Wine List

Chicago Magazine
How to Silence the Insufferable Wine Snob at Your Table:
Part 1 and Part 2

The discreet charm of Raveneau Chablis


“A Year of Wine: Perfect Pairings, Great Buys, and What to Sip for Each Season” by Tyler Colman
Sommelier Survey: Belinda Chang

“The Way We Ate” by Noah Fecks and Paul Wagtouicz
The Sun Also Rises Punch by Belinda Chang

Secrets of the Sommeliers by Rajat Parr and Jordan Mackey

Lessons in Service by Charlie Trotter and Edmund Lawler